Oral cancer is a serious threat to your smile. Thanks to your dental checkups with our dentist, Dr. Sara Sheikh at Kennebunk Center for Dentistry in Kennebunk, Maine, you can be screened for oral cancer every six months as part of your dental checkup. Over 42,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or throat cancers this year. Also, the five-year... read more »
Are you aware of the risks that can arise at any point in time to your smile? Did you know that damage can occur to your teeth and gums simply based on your dietary selections and the materials you are putting in between your lips? Because foods and drinks can have such a devastating effect on your oral health,... read more »
With the wide assortment of dental procedures, services, and treatments available in modern dentistry, the options for improving your smile are now more varied than ever. This is simply because of the sheer number of high-quality services that can be fine-tuned and customized directly to your oral health needs. Two of the best treatments for tooth restorations are dental crowns... read more »
Did you know that the American Dental Association has a Seal of Acceptance program, so you know if a specific dental product is safe and effective to use? Well, it’s true! Dental products can be stressful to choose from when you are shopping at the store. That is why, Dr. Sheikh, Dr. Shazib, and our team here at Kennebunk Center... read more »
Dental veneers have been known to improve your smile as a form of cosmetic dentistry. Each day, more and more people are turning to dental veneers than ever before thanks to the success and popularity they leave behind. Here at Kennebunk Center for Dentistry in Kennebunk, Maine, our office is happy to talk to you about the ways dental veneers... read more »